Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pray for Kenya

The situation in Kenya is (unfortunately) another example of the enemy trying his best to intimidate an entire nation and the system of Justice established by God. Efforts are being made by members of the international community to restore peace in the nation.

However, honestly, mere words and policies will not drive out the enemy. Islam and it's followers are just a conduit to feed to principality of violence and civil war that presides over other African nations - such as in Somalia, Sudan and Zimbabwe.

We pray (amongst other things):

  • That the church in Kenya would arise - praying without ceasing.
  • That the church would pray night and day for revival in the land.
  • That the church would be an example of unity in the country.
  • That God would show mercy to this nation and save her from further calamity.
  • That God would strike fear in those who are performing acts of violence.
  • That God would supernaturally empower the security forces to restore law & order.

Have mercy on this nation God. Give your intercessors power to dispel the darkness. Let your Church in Kenya have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying - and the courage to act upon it.

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