Thursday, April 03, 2008

A "Foolish" occupation - a Glorious reward

I've many times wondered to myself - what am I doing here at what could be called a modern-day monastery - where humans worship and pray as an occupation. I mean, be honest, say it as it is - it looks weak, unmaterialistic, of no value to society, where the buzz - what's the impact. I count myself amongst those that have scoffed at it - and I even LIVE here.

BUT - God is winning the battle of my mind - and imparting revelation.

Here's the truth. The TRUTH is that Christ Himself uttered the words "store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.". Other TRUTHS of similar reference have been spoken. I want to live for a higher calling and I want to pass on the baton that was handed me by my predecessors (parents) to my children. I want to teach my children things that cannot be taught by the best schools & universities in the US or South Africa. I want to pass on to them things of eternal significance / reward.

This calling takes much more than my frail heart and body can offer it. The fact of the matter is that I want to be a history shaper - by the power of the Spirit of God. Let Your Kingdom come God! The glorious reality of this Priestly pursuit is that it takes God to fulfill it - through us - only by His Divine Power can it happen through my life.

What better way to do this than to tap into the ultimate power of Christ and call down the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth! My desire for that is growing stronger. It's a glorious calling but at the same time it confronts ALL of my weakness and ALL of my insecurity buttons.

Christ be glorified on the earth! Will you answer the Call?