Tuesday, July 04, 2006

In Kansas City

Well now that we have landed back home.... the reality of trying to live this lifestyle of prayer sets in! I returned back to work on Monday July 3rd. Well all were pleased to see me (of course - duh!).

We have been reading certain chapters out of a book called "the quest for the radical middle" - an account of the history of the development of the Vineyard Association of churches. We experienced some hesitancy over IHOP (the International House of Prayer) - whilst in South Africa. Well no wonder!! The book seems to be a level-headed and studious account of what happened in those days. The interaction between Mike Bickle, Paul Cain, Bob Jones and the leadership of the Vineyard really was full of difficulty in the 80's. It's no wonder the Vineyard Association doesn't have happy thoughts of IHOP (Mike Bickle's current ministry) or anyone associated with the "Kansas City Prophets".

Well what's my point..... it does give us more insight into the history of this ministry we're a part of. We love this place and the spirit of prayer - however the historic difficulties between the Vineyard and the KC Prophets is uncomfortable - seen as our history is linked to BOTH!

We just want to love Jesus and experience the fullness of life in Christ. These other things can become a distraction.



Anonymous said...

Hi The Raws,
If you read His Story, you will discover that that too was filled with controversy and confrontation...so what's new?
Inge, you should know that birthing is a somewhat painful process. Do you think Mike and the 'hose pipes' can relate?
Sorry, 'hose pipes' is my description of those folk who go to prophesying!!!( work it out for yourself!)
One day I'll 'blog' a bit more on 'hose pipes'.
By the way Rob, thank you for introducing this old man to the 'blog' thing. I think I could get to enjoying it big time! Might even start one of my own ( even if I end up writing to myself all the time... cant imagine anyone else finding my ramblings too exciting.
Pity there's no spell check though - could end up making a real arse - I mean ASS of myself!!!
Love you guys...

Anonymous said...

Hose pipe = an inanimate object. On it's own totaly useless - usually lies around (all wound up!)

Only becomes truly useful when attached to a tap (sorry, faucet!)and used to transport a life giving substance called water! The hose is usually held in the hand of an authoritative entity who knows where life giving water is required!

If left out in the elements a hose pipe becomes brittle, developing leaks resulting in water squirting in directions that the water is not intended to squirt!
If too many leaks appear a hose pipe is usually discarded. A wise one will take the damaged hose pipe and repair it by applying heat and resin to the damaged areas thus creating scar tissue that is visible to all but also leaves the hose pipe stronger than before

If handled by an inexperienced or deranged one, a hose pipe can become extremely dangerous. Hosepipes have been used to beat people and even hang folk.

A hose pipe that is connected to a faucet but is not firmly held spouts water uncontrolably in all directions resulting in mayhem.

Now I wonder why I see so many similarities between a hose pipe and those operating in the prophetic?

Food for thought Rob?

Bless you all in Kansas City

Anonymous said...

You know its funny I read this. I'm at a VCF here and I'm going to VBI right now. I've also always had a heart for IHOP and hope that someday I can start one here. Or get our VCF to open up to prayer 24/7 eventually. I'm reading the same book right now and it has made things clearer to me, and made me pray more for unity in my own VCF. Who knows where this will all go but I'd love to see IHOP and Vineyard walk together because the two working together could do incredible things in the Kingdom. It's like each movement has these huge pieces of the puzzle and if they would just interlock, the puzzle would be complete.