Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Notice to Christians: Will the Church rise up and contend with Christ in prayer?

This is a challenge to every believer in the church. As I've started out on this journey of prayer, my faith is more and more challenged. Looking around, there seems little obvious reason to believe God for change such as the ending of abortion, the toppling of evil forces within governments such as in Zimbabwe, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Algeria, Egypt, South Africa and more.....but God still issues the call and has made promises of His Kingdom coming to the Earth. Actually it's already here. The Kingdom of Christ wars with the Kingdom of Darkness. God breaks in daily into the lives of the oppressed. He's moved for His Heart is full of mercy. The Light cannot be put out by the darkness.

What if the entire world-wide church was in perpetual corporate prayer around the world? We hold our global day of prayer once a year - as if God should miraculously change our world in a the old saying goes "If the whole of China jumped at the same time the earth would shake..". What if the church of Jesus did that every day - not just for global change or the global "shizam" - but in love-sick worship for the Living God.

I'm issuing a challenge - dare to believe God for macro-level transformation. You will find that the struggle will challenge you and press you into Him. As you struggle you're forced to become more dependent on His strength. It becomes wonderful to be weak - and your mind becomes more fascinated with Him. This is the object of true Christianity. Prayer is just the vehicle to get us there. I'm wrestling to be hungry enough to actually do it.

Dare to Believe the Father for change. Listen to the mp3 by Lou Engle on our "Resources" page. Take up your Sword. It's not like you need to live out of this place of strength out of default - but let's believe enough to actually do it. Most try it and stop. I don't want to be found in the sleeping and slumbering majority.

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