Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another post


Well things have really been stirred up in the last while. God is up to some rather acute changes in our lives here.

I have started to do some "part-time" work for the Godtv intercession department. As many may know (or not know) the hop over here has gone into partnership over daily devotions and webstreaming of the prayer room on none other than the world wide web.

We're supporting the ministry of Godtv through prayer and by allowing them to air the prayer room. We pray for their staff as well as their ministry - and over the signal being broadcast from Jerusalem. Well I am privileged enough to be directly involved in this department.

Our Prayer for Africa set continues. The more I do this the more I want to do it. It's doing a whole lot of good for my heart - as well as shifting my eyes away the administrative duties I hold elsewhere. To some degree it's causing conflict internally - but then again it's all just change God will be more than happy to help us handle. We start with two sessions a week starting July 8. One of these days we'll be singing intercessory / prophetic phrases in Swahili. That should be fun!

