Thursday, August 17, 2006

Deep - really deep

Hi to all out there - if there is anyone......

Well I was sitting in my usual spot... where my chair meets my behind in my usual seat in the Business Office at IHOP! Ha - who could have thought of a more stimulating environment.

Well I've had a couple of prophecies about travelling etc. etc. and our hearts yearn for mission - so I think God did a funny on me by placing me in the heart of America - with a grey wall in front of me. Want a challenge - just move into my world.

I know I know - quit complaining (young!) man.

Friday, August 11, 2006

where's the simplicity !

Well I've been a thinkin' this week. See - even I can say it in American...

Life these days is wearing me out.... I'm starting to long for the day I can be free of all the clutter of modern living. Jesus is our high priest. Hopefully most of us would therefore aim to emulate His life... His way of living in every way. These days I'm getting so sick and tired.... of worrying about paying the mortgage, of trying to keep a job down, trying trying trying. Ok I know we've gotta live in amongst it all - pay the bills and do the responsible stuff - but I find myself losing my attachment to the things that really matter. I didn't sign up for this... did you?

Where is the simplicity of Christian life these days? I mean honestly.... much of the time I feel like packing it all in..... and seeking for REAL encounter with God. Now you say "Hold on boy... don't be so spiritual - be responsible". I say... surely some of those thoughts and ideas do not come just from my soulish, self-seeking mind!

The church was not made to be an institution. God created it and us - not men. How then can we possibly manage to organize it like He would?